self-evident “re-imagined”

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to resuscitate this blog. I figured a redesign will help to commit me. Because I really should be committed…

New virtual server, new version of Ubuntu, new version of WordPress, yadda yadda. Also using the Atahualpa theme, which is actually a fairly impressive piece of work. (I think I may have picked it because I just finished reading Guns, Germs, and Steel.) I managed to create the design you see — matching my own hideous sense of taste — using nothing but its Web GUI.

Lots of stuff is probably broken, but the “Write to Nemo” link at the right works, so use that to let me know about any problems.

Oh, and Happy New Year.

6 comments to self-evident “re-imagined”

  • snoopy

    Happy new year.

    Definitely looks “louder” than the previous theme.

  • Hm. I was hoping to make it cleaner and/or more restrained…

    I would be happy to entertain suggestions.

  • dismal

    I like the new color scheme (I’d say it’s calmer), but one thing I would like is narrower posts. It could just be that my monitor is 1650px wide and I always use firefox maximized, but it’s actually harder to read paragraphs that are that wide. What’s your opinion on this?

  • OK I have set a maximum width of 1250 pixels… What do you think?

  • I think it looks good. Also, I like the current font size. Actually, I shouldn’t have an opinion since I do my reading via RSS; I love the blog so I wanted to give you some feedback.

    Happy New Year!

  • snoopy

    I think even the older blog was plenty clean. But this is good too. The larger font is cool, but I would have picked something less compressed. In any case, thanks for the good work. I miss the activity on the blog, I guess that’s probably more of an artifact of the less interesting news these days given that we’re in extend and pretend mode.

    I sometimes wonder if the bloggers are always gonna be gloomy given the “recovery” of the markets so far. But then again, we’re probably going to head Japan’s route of being in a slow economy forever. I think that’s better than having huge boom-bust cycles.

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